Papers Basics understand Tawheed
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Papers Basics understand Tawheed
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Papers Basics understand Tawheed
Know, O brother, may Allah have mercy on you ......
Look, monotheism is a very important thing, the Apostles were sent to preach monotheism. God forbid even go to heaven who die in a state as idolatrous.
Look, monotheism is a very important thing, the Apostles were sent to preach monotheism. God forbid even go to heaven who die in a state as idolatrous.
Allah says [meaning]: "Those who associate [anything] with Allah, then surely Allah forbid him Paradise, and the place is hell, is not there for people who do wrong helpers". (Al-Maidah: 72)
Therefore it is necessary to understand and practice monotheism correctly, on this occasion will be discussed some very important things, as a basis in order to understand tawhid correctly.
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I. Mushrikeen Messenger believes that the fight against Al Rububiyyah
Know, O brother, may Allah have mercy on thee ......
That the disbelievers who fought by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, they believe that God as Creator, Giver of good luck, Yang turn, causes to die, Yang benefits, Yang gave madzarat, Yang organize everything (tawhid rububiyah). But all that does not cause them to be Muslims.
That the disbelievers who fought by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, they believe that God as Creator, Giver of good luck, Yang turn, causes to die, Yang benefits, Yang gave madzarat, Yang organize everything (tawhid rububiyah). But all that does not cause them to be Muslims.
Alllah state tells them: "Say: Who gave you good luck of heaven and earth, or who authorized [created] hearing and sight, and who brings out the dead from the living, and who manage all affairs? Then they will say: Allah. Then say: Will ye not fear [Him]. "(Yunus: 31)
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Allah said [meaning]: "Say: Unto whom the earth and all that belongs to him, if you know?They will say: Unto Allah. Say: Why do not you remember? Say: Who has the sky 7 and having a great Throne? They will say: Unto Allah. Say: Why did you not be cautious? Say: Who is in the hands of His power over all things being He protects, but no one can be protected from the [adzab] him, if you know? They will say: Unto Allah. Say: [If so], then on the road where you cheated? "(Al-Muminun: 84-89)
II. Their intent (Mushrikeen) To be close to GOD and get intercession.
Know, O brother, may Allah have mercy on you ......
Look, they (pagans) prayed to the Prophet and righteous people who have died, so that they can draw closer to God by getting as close and intercession.
Look, they (pagans) prayed to the Prophet and righteous people who have died, so that they can draw closer to God by getting as close and intercession.
They (idolaters) said: "We do not pray to them (the Prophet, righteous people, etc.) except in order to draw closer to God, and they will not intercede. Our intention to God and not to them.
The proof of a closer is the word of God [meaning]: "And those who take protectors other than Allah [saying]:" We do not worship them only that they may bring us to God with as close as possible "(Az-Zumar: 3)
As for the argument about intercession which is the word of God [meaning]: "And they worship besides Allah that which can not bring kemudharatan to them and nor benefit, and they said:" They are intercessors to us in the sight of Allah. "(Yuunus: 18)
III. Idolatry is not just worshiping idols alone.
Know, O brother, may Allah have mercy on you ......
Indeed the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam explained kapada man on the various systems of worship performed by idolaters. Among them is the worship of the Prophet, righteous people, saints, angels, trees, rocks, sun and moon.
Indeed the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam explained kapada man on the various systems of worship performed by idolaters. Among them is the worship of the Prophet, righteous people, saints, angels, trees, rocks, sun and moon.
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They all fought by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, their argument is the word of God [meaning]: "And fight them until there is no more fitnah [polytheism], and this dien everything belongs to God." (Al-Baqarah: 193)
IV. Pagans today worse than idolaters kesyirikiannya first.
Know, O brother, may Allah have mercy on you ......
Truly the pagans of our day seem to be more severe than the idolaters kesyirikannya ancient times, because the ancient Pagans, they pray sincerely to God when they are overwritten danger, but they do shirk when they were in a state of happy ,
Truly the pagans of our day seem to be more severe than the idolaters kesyirikannya ancient times, because the ancient Pagans, they pray sincerely to God when they are overwritten danger, but they do shirk when they were in a state of happy ,
While the Pagans today, they continue to commit shirk, either in danger or when they're happy.
This is as described God in the Quran [meaning]: "And when they boarded the ship they prayed to Allah by purifying obedience to Him, then when God saves them to the ground, suddenly they [back] ascribe [God] . "(Al-Ankabut: 65)
May Allah make us and keep us from muwahid kesyirikan. Aminn ...
Wallohu'alam bishowab.
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