Indonesian History and Development, Complete!

Indonesian History and Development, Complete!

Let's look more details about the history of Indonesian and Development, Complete!

Indonesian history

Indonesian History and Development, Complete!
Indonesian History and Development
of historical development Malay language
historical development of languages ​​in the world
history of the Sundanese language development
history of the development of programming languages
​​the historical development of the English language in the world
history of the development of the German language
historical development of the Java language
development history slang

Indonesian is the Malay language which is then used as the official language of Indonesia as well as the national language. Indonesian initially unveiled after the Proclamation of Independence of Indonesia, which is one day later, coinciding with the commencement of the constitution. In Timor Leste, Indonesian status be working languages.
Seen from the point of view of linguistics, history is a great diversity of Indonesian Malay language. The basis is of Malay Riau (Riau Islands) from the 19th century. Naming of the "Indonesian" was originally initiated since the Youth Pledge, October 28, 1928, in order to avoid the impression of "language imperialism" if the name of the Malay language is still used. The process makes the difference with Indonesian who is now with the variant of the Malay language spoken in the Riau and the Malay Peninsula. Until recently, the Indonesian language is alive and produce new words, either with or absorption through the creation of a foreign language and the local language.
Indonesian is spoken and understood more than 90% of people in Indonesia, but Indonesian is not the mother tongue for most of the speakers. Most people in Indonesia put on one of the 748 languages ​​listed, and growing in Indonesia as a mother tongue. Indonesian speakers often wear everyday version or Colloquial or mixed up with other Malay dialect or mother language.
Indonesian history
Indonesian History and Development, Complete!

Nonetheless, Indonesian still used very widely in various universities, literature, mass media, and so forth. So it can be said that the Indonesian has been used by all citizens of Indonesia. Grammar and phonology Indonesian considered to be relatively easy. The important basics that are used to communicate can be learned in just a few weeks.
There are four factors that make Malay later became Indonesian, among other things :
1) Bahasa Melayu has become a lingua franca for the Indonesian people, the language of commerce, and the lingua franca.
2) System Malay fairly simple, so it is easy to learn because Malay language does not know the language level.
3) the Javanese, Sundanese, and tribes that others may volunteer to receive the Malay language into Indonesian for use as a national language.
4) Malay has the ability to be used as the language of culture in the sense that very wide.
History of EYD
History of EYD
Indonesian History and Development, Complete!

Spelling is the rules or how to write words using the letters in the language disciplines.This spell is expected to the user to use the Indonesian language properly in accordance with the rules. Which in turn can form sentences and words that are easy and can be for use in everyday communication. In accordance with what has happened regarding the improvement of spelling in Indonesian history consists of:
  1. Spelling van Ophuijsen
    Spelling van Ophuijsen spelling Malay language with Latin letters. Charles Van Ophuijsen assisted Moehammad and Nawawi Ibrahim Taib Soetan Soetan Ma'moer to draft a new spelling in 1896. Guidelines known grammar spelling van Ophuijsen officially recognized the Dutch colonial government in 1901. The characteristics of spelling van Ophuijsen:
      1) Wear ï for distinguishing the letter i used to suffix and used as a substitute for the letter y.
      2) Using a letter oe to substitute u in words such as: boeang, Soeka, goeroe, Boeloe, tidoer, and so forth.
      3) Using the letters j to substitute the letter y in words such as: affections, which, and so forth.
      4) Using a single quote accents such as a replacement letter k like: ma'moer, pa ', and so forth.
  2. Spelling Soewandy
    Soewandi spelling is the spelling of Indonesian history in force on 17 March 1947. Soewandi spelling spelling replaces the previous one. Spelling Soewandy valid until 1972, which was then replaced with EYD or spelling Enhanced by Saleh Mashuri minister at the time. On May 23, 1972 Mashuri minister authorize the use EYD and replace Spelling Soewandi. As a minister, Mashuri mark by the turn of the spelling to remove the name of the street in front office department, of DJL. Tjilatjap be Jl.Cilacap. Soewandi spelling characteristics include:
      1) Letter oe have not been used, replaced with the letter u.
      2) The use of single quote used to sound jerky replaced with the letter k like: no, jerky, and so forth.
      3) Can use the number 2 for repeated words, for example: makan2, lain2, main2, and so forth.
      4) There is no difference between using the prefix in- to the next word in.
  3. Enhanced Spelling
    Spelling Enhanced is the spelling of Indonesian history was enacted in 1972. The spelling Enhanced replace Soewandi spelling. Date May 23, 1972, a joint statement has been signed by Tun Hussien Onn (Minister Pelajaran Malaysia) and Mashuri (Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia). With their joint statement that it contains the approval for the principles previously agreed upon by experts of both countries regarding Spelling Enhanced and New Spelling. Date August 16, 1972, by virtue of Presidential Decree No. 57, 1972, enacted Latin spelling system for Malay and Indonesian. The characteristics of the enhanced spelling, among others:
      1) Using the letter c that replace tj such as: for example, worms, and so forth.
      2) Using a letter to replace the letter j Dj such as: million, road, selling, and so forth.
      3) Using kh to replace ch.
      4) The change from the initial writing becomes ny nj.
      5) Change of sj become sy.
      6) The change from the letter j becomes y.
Future development of the Indonesian Reform
emergence of language or language press Mass Media:
      1) The number of words abbreviations growing.

    2) The use of the term or a foreign language in the newspaper that more and more.
Release instrumental in Indonesian history to introduce a variety of terms, phrases, and new words, such as: blasphemy, crony, reconciliation, provocateurs, conspiracy, proactive, arrogant, KKN (corruption, collusion, nepotism), and so forth.

Position Indonesian

Position Indonesian
Indonesian History and Development, Complete!

  1. As National Language
    Status of Indonesian have been obtained since the beginning of his birth, on October 28, 1928. Indonesian as the national language and the language of unity. Indonesian Indonesian has several functions as follows:
      1) The symbol of identity (identity).
      2) The symbol of the pride of Indonesia.
      3) As a means of unifying various circles
      that ethnic background and socio-cultural, and various languages ​​of different regions.
      4) As a means of liaison between regions and between cultures.
  2. As Official Language
    Status of Indonesian has a constitutional legal basis, namely Chapter XV on article 36 of the 1945 Constitution Indonesian serves as the official language and has several functions Indonesian as follows:
      1) The official language of the country.
      2) Used as an official language of instruction in educational institutions.
      3) The official language in communications at the national level to the benefit of the implementation and development planning and administration.
      4) The official language in the utilization of science and technology and cultural development.

Functions Indonesian

Functions Indonesian
Indonesian History and Development, Complete!

1. Function Indonesian Baku:
      1) Unifying: used in social relationships among humans.

      2) Marker personality: it can reveal the identity and feelings.

      3) Adding prestige: work to keep communication manners.

      4) Terms of reference: to have a controlled speech acts.
2. In general, Indonesian function serves as a means of written and spoken communication.According to Santoso, et al. that language is a communication tool that has the function, among others:
      1) Function information: to express feelings.

      2) The function of adaptation and integration: Related relation to the social.

      3) The function of self-expression: get treatment of their fellow community members.

      4) The function of social control: work to regulate behavior.
3. Hallyday (1992) argues that the function of the language used as a communication tool for the needs of:
      1) instrumental function: to obtain something.

      2) regulatory function: in order to control the behavior of others.

      3) Function intraksional: in order to communicate or interact with others.

      4) Personal Functions: to interact with others.

      5) heuristic function: to find and learn something.

      6) Function imaginative: in order to create a world of imagination.

    7) the representational function: in order to convey information.
Developments Indonesian
Developments Indonesian
Indonesian History and Development, Complete!

  1. In 1908 the Dutch colonial government built bodies textbook publishers who later was named ie Commissie voor de Volkslectuur or TBs People. In 1917 changed to the Central Library. The publishing house publishes a variety of novels, like Siti Nurbaya, handbooks fished, and others who helped in the spread of the Malay language.
  2. June 16, 1927 Date of Datuk John Kajo use the Indonesian language in his speech. This is the first time in the Volksraad assembly, there is someone who addressed using Indonesian.
  3. October 28, 1928 Muhammad Yamin formally propose that the Malay language is used as the language of Indonesian unity.
  4. 1933 stood generation of young writers that New Poet and led by Sutan Alisyahbana.
  5. In 1936 Sutan Alisyahbana kemudina prepare New Grammar Indonesian.
  6. 25-28 June 1938 Congress implemented or Indonesian I held in the city of Solo. From the results of the congress can be concluded that the business development and coaching Indonesian done consciously by humanists and scholars Indonesia at the time.
  7. August 18, 1945 signed the 1945 Constitution, article 36 stipulates that Indonesian is used as the language of the country.
  8. Date March 19, 1947 was unveiled on the use of the spelling of the Republic in lieu of spelling Van Ophuijsen previously applicable.
  9. Date 28 October to 2 November 1954 Indonesian II Congress held in Medan.Indonesian Congress II is the embodiment of the nation's commitment to continue to enhance Indonesia Indonesian who was appointed as the national language and is set to be the state language of Indonesia.
  10. Date August 16, 1972 the President of the Republic of Indonesia at that time that President Soeharto inaugurated the Spelling Indonesian EYD or Enhanced through state address in front of the Parliament session and confirmed by Presidential Decree No. 57 in 1972.
  11. On August 31, 1972 the Minister of Education and Culture of the time set on the General Guidelines for Improved Spelling Indonesian and General Guidelines for the Establishment of formal term applied in Indonesia (Archipelago).
  12. Date 28 October to 2 November 1978 Congress held in Jakarta Indonesian III. The congress to commemorate the Youth Pledge 50th. In addition to already show progress, development, and growth of Indonesian, also has been trying to strengthen the position and function of Indonesian itself.
  13. Date 21-26 November 1983 Congress held in Jakarta Indonesian IV. Indonesian IV Congress was held to commemorate Youth Pledge Day 55th. In its decision it is mentioned that the development and cultivation Indonesiab language that should be improved so that the mandate contained in the Outlines of State Policy, which obliges to Indonesian citizens to wear Indonesian properly and can be achieved with as much as possible.
  14. Date 28 October to 3 November 1988 Indonesian V Congress held in Jakarta.Indonesian V Congress was attended by approximately 700s Indonesian experts from across Indonesia and there are guest participants from various friendly countries.The Congress was signed by dipersembahkannya the work of the Center for Creation and Development of Languages ​​for lovers Indonesian archipelago, namely Indonesian Dictionary and Grammar Indonesian Baku.
  15. Date 28 October to 2 November 1993 Indonesian VI Congress held in Jakarta. The participants are 770 language experts from Indonesia and there are 53 guest participants from abroad. This Congress proposed that the Development and Language Development Center to be upgraded into Indonesian Institute, and proposed that drafted the Act Indonesian.
  16. Held on 26-30 October 1998 at the VII Congress of Indonesian Hotel Indonesia, Jakarta. With the convening of the congress in order to propose the establishment of the Advisory Board of Languages.
Proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 1945, has established the function and position constitutionally Indonesian as the national language.Right now Indonesian has been used by the people of Indonesia, both in the central or regional level.
Conclusions :
1) The source of the creation of Indonesian language is Malay language.
2) Sociologically, Indonesian officially adopted as the national language since October 28, 1928. However, legally Indonesian recognized at the time after the independence of Indonesia that is dated August 18, 1945 .
3) Malay appointed Indonesian, this is because the Malay language has been used as a lingua franca or lingua franca in the archipelago and the Malay language that is simple, so easy to learn and there are no language level.
That is the history of Indonesian, Indonesian position and function Indonesian. Indonesian history is the history of the national struggle in establishing its presence in the eyes of other countries in the world. Indonesian struggle to make Indonesian as the national language is not an easy task, considering that Indonesia was colonized many times, and it changed the way spelling, word for word, although not too significant.

Indonesian History and Development, Complete!
Indonesian History and Development
of historical development Malay language
historical development of languages ​​in the world
history of the Sundanese language development
history of the development of programming languages
​​the historical development of the English language in the world
history of the development of the German language
historical development of the Java language
development history slang
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