Logical Mathematical Intelligence Papers

Logical Mathematical Intelligence Papers

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Logical Mathematical Intelligence Papers

Papers Mathematical Intelligence Logis, the notion of logical intelligence mathematical, logical intelligence mathematically according to experts, intelligence mathematical logical to learning mathematics, an indicator of intelligence logical mathematical, understanding the intelligence of mathematical logic, according to experts, intelligence mathematical logic early childhood, the characteristics of mathematical intelligence logical , understand the logical mathematical intelligence

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 Logical Mathematical Intelligence Papers






A.           Background

In this globalized world, a child will be easier to develop mathematical intelligence potential that they have because of the availability of infrastructure that supports the development of logical mathematical intelligence of a child.

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Children are often attracted mathematically savvy with numbers and patterns from a very young age. They enjoy counting and quickly learn to add, subtract, multiply and divide. In addition, children - children who are skilled in math quickly understand the concept of time, a child - a bright child mathematically pleased to see patterns in their information and can remember the numbers in their mind for a longer period of time.
The relationship between mathematics and logic is that they strictly follow the basic law, and there is consistency in logical thinking. The Greek philosopher Aristotle was probably the first time to identify and formalize the laws of logic. This law explains how structured arguments, evidence and conditions stated and conclusions. Logikalah arise from scientific thought which raised the hypothesis of observation, the results of a scientific revolution is still strongly felt today, for this reason Dr. Howard Gardner include logical mathematical intelligence as one of the most important intelligence in the classification.

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B.            Problem Formulation

The formulation of this paper are:
  1. How does the notion of intelligence Mathematical Logical?
  2. What are the features and character of children who have intelligence mathematical logic?
  3. How to increase the development stage logical mathematical intelligence?
  4. How to understand children who have a logical intelligences?
  5. Any intelligence related to logical-mathematical intelligence?
  6. How can I develop logical mathematical intelligence?
  7. Any problems in the development of logical-mathematical intelligence and the solution?

C.           Objectives

After reading this paper is expected to allow students to:
  1. Knowing the sense of intelligence Logical-Mathematical
  2. Knowing the traits and character of children who have intelligence mathematical logic
  3. Knowing the stage of development of logical mathematical intelligence enhancement
  4. Knowing how to understand children who have the logical intelligence
  5. Intelligence related to logical-mathematical intelligence
  6. Knowing how to develop logical mathematical intelligence
  7. Knowing the problems in the development of logical-mathematical intelligence and solutions




A.               Understanding logical-Mathematical Intelligence

Intelligence is the ability of a person to see a problem, and then fix the problem or make something that could be useful to other people. Intelligence can be defined as the ability to solve problems. Intelligence related to thinking and cognitive development. Multiple Intelligences is a descriptive assessment see how people use their intelligence to memecahakan problems and generate unity.


Logical-mathematical intelligence is one of the intelligence contained in the intelligence of multiple intelegences . Intelligence is the logical-mathematical intelligence involves processing skills with good numbers and or proficiency using reasoning or logic correctly.This intelligence includes sensitivity to logical relations, causality, and other logics. The process used in logical-mathematical intelligence, among others classification (classification / clustering), conclusions and calculations.

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Thomas Armstrong stated that this intelligence is intelligence in the process words. As the intelligence of the journalist, storyteller, poet, and lawyer. Intelligent person in this field, they could argue, convince, entertain, or to teach effectively through the words he spoke.They also liked to play with the sounds of language through word puzzles, word games (pun) and touge twister. In the book Smart Baby's Brain , Armstrong also said that children who have the intelligence mathematical logic is "children who have the capabilities of mathematical thinking through the patterns and relationships are abstract, they learn how to use puzzles and logic game.

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  1.  Characteristics and Character Kids Who Has Intelligence Mathematical Logic
Learners with high mathematical logical intelligence activities tend please analyze and study the causal occurrence. He enjoys thinking. Conceptually, for example, draw up hypotheses and conduct categorization and classification of what he faced. Such learners tend to like activity count and has high speed in solving math problems. If less understand, they will tend to try to ask questions and seek answers to things that are less understood it. They also really liked the variety of games that involve active thinking activities include playing chess and playing puzzles. Thus a person who has a high mathematical logical kecerdasar be skilled in the count or quantify, cengemukakan propositions and hypotheses and perform complex mathematical operations.


  1.  The intelligence development stage Improved Mathematical Logical
According to the stages of development can be seen, increasing intelligence mathematical logic in children, among other things:
0-1 years
Kids really like to observe what is around it that can be reached easily
1,5 - 2,5 years
He will begin to classify objects object may be based on color, shape and function. Or if this age children begin to speak, awareness of the concept of "big" and "small" will evolve and enter tiers concept of "bigger" or "smaller" by comparing various objects.
3-4 years
Kids enjoy activities arrange objects berdasasrkan small to large order. This age children, has been under development thinking to weigh and mengukur.Anak age of 3 years have begun to realize the concept of a specific pattern, eg buttons arranged in a specific color pattern of blue, red, yellow, green, children this age are able to mimic the composition with pattern the samaKonsep other logic that began to develop is the concept of causality.
It can be measured relative thing:
  • Know the characteristics of self
  • recognize colors
  • Recognize the concept of similarities and differences
  • Classifying objects by color and shape
  • Getting to know the kinds of kinds of taste and smell
  • Determining the position of the outside - inside, up - down
  • know geometry such as rectangles, triangles and circles) and start identifying geometric shapes with objects that are nearby
  • Know the length - short, heavy - light from objects that are nearby
  • know the time by the sun, day - night
  • Know emblem numbers 1-10
4-5 years
Children usually have started understanding the concept of numbers, and develop sensitivity towards the concept of the size of the existing measures disekitarnyaHal relative thing can be measured:
  • Know more characteristic of yourself and recognize similarities and differences themselves denngan others
  • Connecting the size of the objects that are nearby
  • Connecting geometric shapes with objects that are nearby
  • estimate the size of the number, length short, light weight objects are met
  • Sort objects by color, size, type of surface denngan specific pattern
  • Observing changes in the form of liquid, frozen, steam and moisture
  • Determining the position of left and right, front and back
  • Getting to know the concept of time based activities
  • recognize the concept of day
  • Know the concepts and symbols of numbers 1-20
  1.  Some Ways Kids Who Has Understanding Logical Intelligence
Risang Melati also noted that to understand children who have intelligence logic can be seen in several ways, among others:

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  1. Classifying objects in various ways known to the child. For example: by color, shape, size, type and others.
  2. Appoint as many objects, animals, plants that have color, shape or size or according to certain characteristics.
  3. Try and tell me what happens if: colors are mixed, the process of growing plants (grains, tubers, stems-bars) balloon is blown and then released, the objects added to the water: if floating, floating, sinking, objects dropped (gravity), a magnifying glass, try and distinguish a variety of flavors, smells and sounds.
  4. Or call the numbers tell the order of at least 1-10.
  5. Counting with pointed objects (familiar concept of numbers of objects up to 5).
  6. Grouping geometric shapes (circles, rectangles, triangles).
  7. Replacing objects with their partner.
  8. Distinguishing the concept of coarse-grained through the five senses.
  9. Calling the concept of front-rear-middle, top-down, outside-in, first-past-between, in and out, up and down, back and forth.
  10.  Some intelligence Associated Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
Some of the intelligence related to logical-mathematical intelligence, among others:
  • Count (sorting numbers from small to large, for example from 1-20)
  • Know the math simple concept such as the concept of addition and subtraction
  • Recognize the concept of a simple mathematical logic, for example larger, smaller, a little, a lot, far, near, long, short, and others.


Some of the games that can be used to develop logical mathematical intelligence, among others:
  1. recognize numbers
Parents or teachers can guide children early childhood education in a familiar figure with a wide variety of games, including: sing a song (for example the song "the one I love mom"), playing figure through drawing and puzzle and sort pictures numbers from small to large also introduce children to the currencies used.

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  1. Calculating objects
Calculating objects can be introduced in various ways, such as singing the song "Balonku No 5", invite the children to count the number of objects encountered (eg mother or educators bring mangoes, children were asked to count them), children can be trained to know the number of items owned (eg, how many books you have, the number of pencils that are owned, and others). Since small children can be trained to know the amount of money they had and make buying and selling simple, such as buying snacks or sweets.


  1. comparing objects
Educators or parents to train children to compare objects larger with smaller, longer with shorter, more distant to the closer, and so on. Games by comparing objects or things do not require equipment that is difficult, such as educators or parents putting water into two glasses with different volumes of water and then the child is asked to assess, where the content of the water glass more and less.
  1. Know the measuring instrument
In addition to introducing a wide variety of sizes and numbers, it is important for educators and parents to introduce the measuring instrument to the child. It is to provide knowledge about the function and use a wide variety of measuring tools, such as a thermometer to measure body temperature, weight scales to measure weight and so forth.

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Field work / profession that can be achieved by those who have intelligence logic is:
  1. Accountant (accountant / economist)
  2. ATC (air traffic controllers)
  3. Appraiser / Broker (appraiser / mortgage broker / stockbroker)
  4. Astronauts (astronaut)
  5. Auditor / statistician (auditor / Statistician)
  6. Bankers, researchers, investment analysts (banker / investment analyst / researcher / treasurer)
  7. finalists Finance (bookkeeper / budget analyst)
  8. Engineers / technicians (engineer / technician)
  9. Climate experts (climatologist)
  10. Decoder / code (code breaker / cryptanalyst)
  11. Programmer (computer programmer / data analyst / video game designer / programmer / Web master)
  12. Meteorologist (meteorologists)
  13. Scientific / scientist (biologist, chemist, physicist, astronomer, geologist, botanist, oceanographer)
  14. Teacher / lecturer science (science teacher)
  15. Author engineering (technical writer)
  16.  How to Develop Logical Intelligence

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Thomas Armstrong in his book 7 Smart of Kind says there are 25 ways to develop intelligence This logic, namely:
  1. Do the math logic game with friends or family.
  2. Learn how to use the abacus
  3. Work on logic puzzle / brain teaser.
  4. Set up the calculator to calculate math problems that you face daily.
  5. Learn a computer language.
  6. Buy the science and do some scientific experiments.
  7. Ad a right family discussions about the concept of math or science in the news dlam.
  8. Take a course on science or math, or buy books and studied independently.
  9. Practicing solve simple math problems.
  10. Read it, either in a magazine or newspaper part financial or economic concepts unknown to you before.
  11. Visit a science museum, planetarium, science center or other.
  12. Read about the discovery of math / science more.
  13. Read about how receipts heuristics in solving the problem.
  14. The form of a study group to discuss the latest scientific discoveries and their implications in everyday life.
  15. Tanyangan watch a documentary about science.
  16. Circle the concepts of science / mathematics are not familiar in the reading, look for an explanation, either from books or people who know.
  17. Record your voice is speaking loudly about how to solve a complex mathematical problem.
  18. Identify important scientific concepts around the house or neighborhood.
  19. Scientific magazine subscription.
  20. Face, do not avoid, math in everyday life.
  21. Buy microscopes, telescopes or others to observe or examine the nature around you,
  22. Teach math or science concepts to people who are less informed.
  23. Visit a science laboratory or other place where or mathematical concepts and use.
  24. Use beams, peanuts, or other concrete objects in the study of mathematics knsep are still new.
  25. Make a support group "of people who are afraid of mathematics" for those who feel anxious when forced to deal with numbers.
  26.  Problems in the Development of Logical-Mathematical Intelligence and Solutions

Real Analysis I

How do we stimulate the logical mathematical intelligence of children from an early age?Bag IMANA we instill the concept of mathematical logic since age early? We can introduce the first understanding of mathematical concepts at an early age of our surroundings and everyday experiences of children and stimulating supportive. In the children's education, the role of parents is irreplaceable and the house is the main base of the child's education. Many games can sharpen exploration of mathematical reasoning abilities of children, but of course it should be tailored to the child's age. When a toddler playing in the sand, children are actually being turned muscular hand fine motor training so that one day the child is able to hold a pencil, draw and others. With children's play sand actually learn estimates by pouring or measure that would all exist in mathematicsbut, in this case the parents have to keep watching the ank not to eat sand.

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At the time of applying the concept of recognition of numbers, most parents do not provide a figure with symbols such as when parents say "I have an apple, then the parents should have been introduced with real fruit s ehingga children understand the concept of numbers and numbers. The song can also be a medium to introduce the various themes of angk An example of a song with the theme of the figure is "the one I love you, twos ... etc.". This song is not only introduces numbers but subjects who are around the child.
Once the child knows the numbers 1 to 10, it can be introduced the number zero. Provide understanding of the concept of zeros in early childhood is not easy. This game can be done by calculating the magnet affixed to the refrigerator. Try taking one by one and ask your child to count the remaining. Do it repeatedly so that the magnet on the refrigerator no longer attached. When it can be demonstrated that are seen in a refrigerator is 0 (zero) magnet.

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While in the kitchen, we can introduce the concept of classification and grouping related to the concept of mathematical logic, for example by children were asked to classify vegetables by color. Hone counting operation simple number, such as three apples eaten the fruit then the rest how. Occasional do activities also make the cake, in addition to increase familiarity and warmth of a family, children can also learn mathematics through weighing, measuring, counting time. Cooking while looking at recipes also practice the skills of reading and learning vocabulary. Do not worry about the state of the kitchen would be dirty and messy with flour and goods scattered, because as an advertising slogan that dare to dirty it was good. Children love and unknowingly have learned many things.When we teach the dinner table was the division by asking the children, for example, that we sekelurga gets all, this pudding we cut so how ya? Then when the pudding had been cut, lift one piece and ask how sections did it? This is related to the concept of fractions.

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We can also provide an understanding of the mathematical concepts such as quantity, such as how many fish in the aquarium. When relaxing in front of the house, children are invited to count how many motors through in 10 minutes. Recommend also the concept of comparison as larger, smaller, and so on, for example by asking the child with bread buns cake donuts which are bigger. When we introduce and ask the child that the car is moving faster than the motor, palm trees taller than the guava tree, or purse sister heavier than the bag's sister, in fact it is already included to teach children the concept of speed, length and weight, so that the function of intelligence math becomes active.

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For activities outside the home, when we invite children to go shopping, she engage in transactions so that more trains operating skills like addition and subtraction. It could also be the game-tokoan store or market-the market with her ​​friends. We also can provide a child educational toys like blocks, mock geometrical forms with associated with objects around them There are geometric shapes such as triangles, rectangles, circles, rectangles and others. The introduction of geometric shapes are good, will make children better understand their environment well. When viewing the wheels of cars for example, children will know if the shape of a circle, a square shaped tables, roofs triangle and so on. We can also provide games in an educational computer that is capable of inducing the intelligence of children.
Sports and traditional games can stimulate and improve logical mathematical intelligence of children like games congklak or dakon as a means to learn to count and also beneficial to train fine motor manipulation capabilities especially strength training fingers at a later helpful in preparation for writing. During play children are required to follow the path permainanyang focus would in turn train a child concentration and perseverance is needed when children follow the lessons in school.

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Why a lot of stimulation to the intelligence of children through games and fun play activities? Because the game will make children able to express ideas and feelings and make children become more creative. With the play will also train cognition or children's learning abilities based on what was experienced and observed from its surroundings.When playing a challenging game, children have the opportunity to solve problems (problem solving ). For example compose or play lego pasel. Kids are faced with a problem, but not a real problem, but a child's game that should be done. Problems exciting that make children unknowingly trained to solve a problem. This will strengthen the ability of children out of trouble. For example when you're tying shoes, children will try to use all its capabilities to resolve completely. And this will also train when the child later in the school got math lessons based on problem solving ( problem solving ).

Pattern Learning Implementation Multigrade

For preschool age, when parents have started to stimulate the logical mathematical intelligence at home, it will be easier for the child to accept the concept of mathematics when starting school. For children who have entered the school, parents must also continue to support by providing a wide range of exploration or games that further hone logical mathematical intelligence of children with fun and creative ways to continue to attract the curiosity of children. Thus the child will love math because math turns around them and they know the purpose of learning mathematics. Of course this should be supported by the pattern of teaching school mathematics fun, creative, contextual, realistic, emphasizing on the process and the students' understanding and problem solving(problem solving), creative in introducing and teaching the concepts of mathematics as well as with various games and props so it will be interesting math lessons fun and awaited.

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In the world of early childhood education as well as kindergarten child will enter a world full of "playground". In this stage, a child will be taught by educators to apply the concept that is easily understood by a child. Typically an educator will begin teaching with singing.It is intended that a child be more pleased, however, remains the focus of the education.Initial class meeting, should a teacher began testing logical-mathematical intelligence of a child for example, recognize numbers by using fruit or other objects, started comparing objects larger and smaller, or sing a song in which there are several numbers.

Understanding Response, Cognition, Affection and Psychomotor

  1. Conclusion
  2. Logical-mathematical intelligence is one of the intelligence contained in the intelligence of multiple intelegences . Intelligence is the logical-mathematical intelligence involves processing skills with good numbers and or proficiency using reasoning or logic correctly.
  3. Learners with high mathematical logical intelligence activities tend please analyze and study the causal occurrence.
  4. Stage of development of logical mathematical intelligence enhancement is divided over the age of between 0-1 years, 1.5-2.5 years, 3-4 years, and 4-5 years
  5. How to understand the child who has a logical mathematical intelligence is classifying objects in various ways known to the child. For example: according to colors, shapes, sizes, types and others, pointed to as many objects, animals, plants that have color, shape or size or according to specific characteristics and others.
  6. Intelligence associated with logical-mathematical intelligence ie accountants, programmers and others.
  7. How mengembangankan mathematical intelligence logical that mela Kukan game of mathematical logic with friends or family , m e mpe lajari how to use the abacus , m erjakan logic puzzle / brain teaser , meny iapkan calculator to calculate math problems that you face daily , and MMP elajari a computer language
  8. How do we stimulate the logical mathematical intelligence of children from an early age? Bag IMANA we instill the concept of mathematical logic since age early? We can introduce the first understanding of mathematical concepts at an early age of our surroundings and everyday experiences of children and stimulating supportive.
  9. Suggestion
After reading this paper is expected to allow students to develop logical mathematical intelligence, seek solutions and resolve issues related to the development of logical-mathematical and understand children who have logical-mathematical intelligence.


Kloponom, 2012. "Logical Mathematical Intelligence" .http: //kloponom.wordpress.com/paud/kecerdasan-majemuk/kecerdasan-matematis-logis/ accessed April 30, 2014
Siska, 2013. "Application Intelligence Logic accessed April 30, 2014

Good, 2011. 25 "How to Develop Intelligence Logic" .http: //baguserek.blogspot.com/2011/02/25-cara-mengembangkan-kecerdasan-logika.html accessed April 30, 2014

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Papers Mathematical Intelligence Logis, the notion of logical intelligence mathematical, logical intelligence mathematically according to experts, intelligence mathematical logical to learning mathematics, an indicator of intelligence logical mathematical, understanding the intelligence of mathematical logic, according to experts, intelligence mathematical logic early childhood, the characteristics of mathematical intelligence logical , understand the logical mathematical intelligence

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