berkah definition
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Type: noun
- the act or words of one that
- a thing conducive to happiness or welfare
- grace said at a meal
Definition: a prayer calling for divine care, protection, or favor
Example: that rabbi always ends the service with a short blessing
Synonyms: benediction, benison
Related: Godspeed; appeal, entreaty, grace, intercession, invocation, orison, petition, plea, prayer, supplication; sanctification
Definition: something that provides happiness or does good for a person or thing
Example: winning the lottery shortly after being laid off was an unexpected blessing
Synonyms: benediction, benefit, boon, felicity, godsend, good, manna, windfall
Related: grace, mercy; favor, kindness, mitzvah; advantage, aid, assistance, gift, help, relief, support; anodyne, comfort, consolation, solace; bonus, extra, lagniappe; delight, joy, pleasure
Definition: an acceptance of something as satisfactory
Example: Mr. Roberts promptly gave his blessing to his daughter's choice of husband
Synonyms: approbation, blessing, favor, imprimatur, OK (or okay)
Related: backing, cachet, endorsement (also indorsement), finalization, formalization, homologation, nod, ratification, rubber stamp, sanction, support, thumbs-up, vote; benediction, goodwill; acceptation, accession, agreement, assent, concurrence, consent; countenance, liking, satisfaction
Definition: the act of making something holy through religious ritual
Example: traditionally, worshippers kneel during the blessing of the communion wafers
Synonyms: blessing, hallowing, sanctification
Related: purification; dedication; adoration, glorification, reverence, veneration, worship
berkah definition
Blessing is derived from the Arabic `barakah`.That is, has a lot of kindness and fixed principal-continue went on. Taken from the word `birkah` which means the place berhimpunnya water. And it's different from where the flow of water due to two things, because there are many and it is fixed.
While there are also those who say, blessed / blessing is the divine goodness is fixed to something. Thus said by Raghib al-Ashfahani.Thus, if something is said a blessing, it means something that has many virtues that are fixed, as made so by God.
PKN Answer Key Page 141 No. 3-5
And ngalap / seek blessings, means finding yourself a favor or benefit through something that is widely expected to have the blessing. Something that could take the form of the human person, object, place or time. The problem is, these activities can be justified by Islam ?.
As said earlier, looking for a blessing could be through the human person, object, or a specific time. In this case there is disyari`atkan, some are prohibited.
Answer Key Problem PKN Class 12 Page 75
Why say disyari`atkan ?. Because, personally, objects, places or times that sought his blessing, really have the blessing by decree syari`at, and their argument is clear. It requires finding ways blessings must also comply with the demands of syari`at.
On the other hand, why is there a form to get blessing prohibited ?. Because, personally, objects, places or times sought the blessing turned out to be personal, objects, places and times that do not otherwise have the blessing by syari`at. Blessings are attributed to these objects merely empty illusion engineered accomplices Dajjal. How to find blessing dilakukannyapun are ways of false and distorted.
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Shaykh Muhammad ibn al Uthaymeen explained, looking for a blessing can not be separated from two things:
1 - Finding a blessing under the provisions syar`i clear. For example (seeking blessing) in al-Qur`an al-Karim. He said: "This is a book that we sent down to you full of blessings" (Shad: 29). Among the blessed al-Qur`an, who adhere to al-Qur`an, it will gain the victory.With al-Qur`an-lah, Allah has saved many of mankind from idolatry. Among the more blessing is, each of the letters al-Qur`an have multiples of ten times a favor if read. This is obviously alleviate the time and human effort. And many blessings al-Qur`an other.
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2 - Search for a blessing by a real case and clear and palpable to the senses. For example, seek knowledge in Ulama or ask for prayer or other. Ulama can be searched through the excavation of the blessing of its religious knowledge, or through counsel and propaganda does. So cleric was a blessing, because people can achieve much good with their presence.But seek blessings through al-Qur`an or the clergy, should not be used in ways that are not based on guidance syari`at. For example, by kissing, rubbing, or embracing al-Qur`an so blessed. This is wrong. Or by drinking water or store leftovers wudoo` ulama, or by kissing his knee. This also is clearly false. Moreover kiss knee scholars, could lead to shirk, because it must kneel or ruku` to other than Allah. Clearly, blessing everything belongs to God and comes from God. As with rizki, rescue and safety, also belongs only to God and come from God. Therefore not be required unless the blessings of Allah alone. He is the Giver of blessing.
Imam Bukhari has narrated from Ibn Mas`ud, he said: "We've shared the Prophet on a journey, it turns the water supply is getting low. Then he said: `Look for the rest of air`.Then we come to bring a vessel containing a little water. Then he put his hand into the vessel, and then said: 'Let's use the holy water blessed. And indeed a blessing (only) from God '. Behold, I see the water gushing from cracks fingers of the Prophet. "(HSR. Al-Bukhari, Fath al-Bari VI / 433) -5).
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And ask for a blessing to other than God is clearly legal shirk. For more details, here's a more detailed description.
berkah definition
1 - Seeking blessing disyari`atkan through specific individuals. Eg through private Prophet when he was still alive. Many hadeeth explains the personal blessing of Allah. Besides personal Messenger, there are also other individuals who declared because obtaining a blessing. For instance Abu Bakr, A`isyah and his family. Because the decline in paragraph tayammum, stated that the cause of the arrival of law A`isyahlah tayammum when the necklace is lost on a journey with the Prophet and his companions. Their journey was delayed because the need to search for the missing necklace A`isyah, when they ran out of water. Finally there came the blessing of God in the form of legal relief for bertayammum when no water. When it Usaid bin Hudhair said: "This blessing is not for the first time caused by you, O the family of Abu Bakr." (See Saheeh Bukhari with Fath al-Bari I / 431-434).
1 - Seeking blessing disyari`atkan through specific individuals. Eg through private Prophet when he was still alive. Many hadeeth explains the personal blessing of Allah. Besides personal Messenger, there are also other individuals who declared because obtaining a blessing. For instance Abu Bakr, A`isyah and his family. Because the decline in paragraph tayammum, stated that the cause of the arrival of law A`isyahlah tayammum when the necklace is lost on a journey with the Prophet and his companions. Their journey was delayed because the need to search for the missing necklace A`isyah, when they ran out of water. Finally there came the blessing of God in the form of legal relief for bertayammum when no water. When it Usaid bin Hudhair said: "This blessing is not for the first time caused by you, O the family of Abu Bakr." (See Saheeh Bukhari with Fath al-Bari I / 431-434).
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2 - Seeking blessing perkatan disyari`atkan through words or deeds or other forms of activity that are endowed. If it is implemented in accordance with the guidance of the Sunnah of the Prophet, it will obtain the blessings and goodness in accordance with the intention and sincerity efforts. As long as there are no obstructions that may block syar`i obtaining such kindness. For example, dhikr of Allah and read al-Qur`an al-Karim. Blessings contained in it very much. Among other virtues, diampunkannya sins, entered heaven, awake from the temptations of Satan, and so on. Hadith about this a lot. Including jihad fi Sabilillah to obtain martyrdom. Similarly gathered to eat together from one place and started eating from the edge. The Prophet said: "Berkumpulllah you around your food and celebrate the name of God to eat, Allah will give a blessing to you in it." (Hadith Hasan, in hasankan by Shaykh al-Albani in Sahih Abu Dawud II / 717). "If anyone among you eat a meal, do not eat from the top, but should he eat starting from the bottom, because of the blessings will come down from the top." (HR. Abu Dawud, at shahihkan by al-Albani II / 719). So any word or deed that is ordered by God or by the Prophet, then held by a man because of his faith in God and because of his belief in the Prophet, in a way that sessuai with guidance, then that slave will obtain many blessings.
2 - Seeking blessing perkatan disyari`atkan through words or deeds or other forms of activity that are endowed. If it is implemented in accordance with the guidance of the Sunnah of the Prophet, it will obtain the blessings and goodness in accordance with the intention and sincerity efforts. As long as there are no obstructions that may block syar`i obtaining such kindness. For example, dhikr of Allah and read al-Qur`an al-Karim. Blessings contained in it very much. Among other virtues, diampunkannya sins, entered heaven, awake from the temptations of Satan, and so on. Hadith about this a lot. Including jihad fi Sabilillah to obtain martyrdom. Similarly gathered to eat together from one place and started eating from the edge. The Prophet said: "Berkumpulllah you around your food and celebrate the name of God to eat, Allah will give a blessing to you in it." (Hadith Hasan, in hasankan by Shaykh al-Albani in Sahih Abu Dawud II / 717). "If anyone among you eat a meal, do not eat from the top, but should he eat starting from the bottom, because of the blessings will come down from the top." (HR. Abu Dawud, at shahihkan by al-Albani II / 719). So any word or deed that is ordered by God or by the Prophet, then held by a man because of his faith in God and because of his belief in the Prophet, in a way that sessuai with guidance, then that slave will obtain many blessings.
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3 - Seeking blessing disyari`atkan through certain places. For example, the mosques of Allah. Based on the word of Allah, "The most beloved of God in a country is a mosque-mosque. While most hated place God in a country is its markets. "(Saheeh Muslim, Sharh Nawawi V / 171). Looking for a blessing through mosques not by rubbing or kissing the soil or Nyepi wall and meditated on it, or ways the like. It is bid`ah. Looking for a blessing through mosques is by way of prayer berjama`ah in it, sit waiting for the prayer time, attended the majlis majlis dhikr or knowledge therein and other activities that disyari`atkan.
3 - Seeking blessing disyari`atkan through certain places. For example, the mosques of Allah. Based on the word of Allah, "The most beloved of God in a country is a mosque-mosque. While most hated place God in a country is its markets. "(Saheeh Muslim, Sharh Nawawi V / 171). Looking for a blessing through mosques not by rubbing or kissing the soil or Nyepi wall and meditated on it, or ways the like. It is bid`ah. Looking for a blessing through mosques is by way of prayer berjama`ah in it, sit waiting for the prayer time, attended the majlis majlis dhikr or knowledge therein and other activities that disyari`atkan.
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4 - Seeking blessing disyari`atkan through certain times. For instance the month of Ramadan, by fasting and other devotions that disyari`atkan and not doing immoral activities or activities bid`ah. Another example, Tatyana Qadr night. By multiplying worship. Allah says: "Verily, We have it down (the Qur'an) in the Night of Power (Lailat al Qadr). And do you know what the night of Power is? Night of Power is better than a thousand months. On that night down the angels and the angel Gabriel with his Lord permits to regulate all affairs. That night (full) well-being until dawn. "(Al-Qadr: 1-5).Another example again, a third time last night. The Prophet said, "Allah, the Lord of the world we took to the skies on each third last night. He says: Who prays to Me undoubtedly I grant his prayer, who ask me and surely I'll give anyone who asks for forgiveness to me, surely I have forgiven. "(Bukhari HSR).
4 - Seeking blessing disyari`atkan through certain times. For instance the month of Ramadan, by fasting and other devotions that disyari`atkan and not doing immoral activities or activities bid`ah. Another example, Tatyana Qadr night. By multiplying worship. Allah says: "Verily, We have it down (the Qur'an) in the Night of Power (Lailat al Qadr). And do you know what the night of Power is? Night of Power is better than a thousand months. On that night down the angels and the angel Gabriel with his Lord permits to regulate all affairs. That night (full) well-being until dawn. "(Al-Qadr: 1-5).Another example again, a third time last night. The Prophet said, "Allah, the Lord of the world we took to the skies on each third last night. He says: Who prays to Me undoubtedly I grant his prayer, who ask me and surely I'll give anyone who asks for forgiveness to me, surely I have forgiven. "(Bukhari HSR).
In this case there are two reasons that because something sought his blessing turned out not to have the blessing / no nashnya or because of the way it does deviate. Such as :
1 -looking blessing through specific individuals. For example through righteous people who have died or through the righteous who are alive but in ways that deviate up to the form of requests to other than Allah. The law is shirk.
2 -looking blessing through objects or certain places. At the time of ignorance ago infidels seek blessings through idols Lata, Uzza, Manat and others. Allah says concerning them: "So what should you (O idolaters) considers Al-Lata and Al-Uzza, and Manat the third, the latter (as daughters of God). Does (should) to you (children) in men and to God (kids) women; That would be indeed a division most unfair. "(An-Najm: 19-22). That is, they worship idols on the assumption that an idol is a daughter of God, though they prefer men for their own children. Demand blessing through these idols, cause they are said to have worshiped other than Allah. They are also used ngalap blessing through a tree or sacred objects, as narrated by Abu al-Laitsi Waqid ahead of Hunain war. Today there are forms ngalap blessing performed by some circles who claim Islam, exactly as was done by the disbelievers the time of ignorance. There ngalap blessing through the graves of the righteous, stone, wood, belts and deeds bid`ah. All of that is shirk, or minimal bid`ah.
In this case there are two reasons that because something sought his blessing turned out not to have the blessing / no nashnya or because of the way it does deviate. Such as :
1 -looking blessing through specific individuals. For example through righteous people who have died or through the righteous who are alive but in ways that deviate up to the form of requests to other than Allah. The law is shirk.
2 -looking blessing through objects or certain places. At the time of ignorance ago infidels seek blessings through idols Lata, Uzza, Manat and others. Allah says concerning them: "So what should you (O idolaters) considers Al-Lata and Al-Uzza, and Manat the third, the latter (as daughters of God). Does (should) to you (children) in men and to God (kids) women; That would be indeed a division most unfair. "(An-Najm: 19-22). That is, they worship idols on the assumption that an idol is a daughter of God, though they prefer men for their own children. Demand blessing through these idols, cause they are said to have worshiped other than Allah. They are also used ngalap blessing through a tree or sacred objects, as narrated by Abu al-Laitsi Waqid ahead of Hunain war. Today there are forms ngalap blessing performed by some circles who claim Islam, exactly as was done by the disbelievers the time of ignorance. There ngalap blessing through the graves of the righteous, stone, wood, belts and deeds bid`ah. All of that is shirk, or minimal bid`ah.
3 -looking blessing through certain times that there is no argument. For example use certain times such as, month Sya`ban to nyadran or special grave pilgrimage because they are blessed. It is an act bid`ah. Or a particular month is considered as the month of luck to get married, while other months are considered unlucky month. This belief is the belief of shirk. Or celebrate feasts on certain days disyari`atkan beyond the teachings of Islam, such as holding the celebration of the Prophet's birthday, Isra 'mi`raj, Nuzulul Qur`an and the like. Assuming these activities rewarding, because syi`ar uphold Islam. It is the activities that never dituntunkan enumerated by the Prophet, his Companions practiced and followed by the scholars of the Salaf earlier.
3 -looking blessing through certain times that there is no argument. For example use certain times such as, month Sya`ban to nyadran or special grave pilgrimage because they are blessed. It is an act bid`ah. Or a particular month is considered as the month of luck to get married, while other months are considered unlucky month. This belief is the belief of shirk. Or celebrate feasts on certain days disyari`atkan beyond the teachings of Islam, such as holding the celebration of the Prophet's birthday, Isra 'mi`raj, Nuzulul Qur`an and the like. Assuming these activities rewarding, because syi`ar uphold Islam. It is the activities that never dituntunkan enumerated by the Prophet, his Companions practiced and followed by the scholars of the Salaf earlier.
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Thus, in principle, it only belongs to God's blessing. He was the one who gave it. While persons, objects, places and times stated contain many blessings by syari`at, is nothing but a mere reason for obtaining a blessing. Not the owner and giver of blessing. How to get blessing through the things that are recognized by syari`at, also need to follow the instructions syari`at, not to be involved in the perpetration bid`ah or shirk. Who is looking / asking a blessing to other than Allah, he lapsed into shirk akbar. And anyone looking for a blessing through the things that are justified by syari`at, but in the opposite way with syari`at, he plunged into bid`ah. Na`udzu billah Dzalik min.
Thus, in principle, it only belongs to God's blessing. He was the one who gave it. While persons, objects, places and times stated contain many blessings by syari`at, is nothing but a mere reason for obtaining a blessing. Not the owner and giver of blessing. How to get blessing through the things that are recognized by syari`at, also need to follow the instructions syari`at, not to be involved in the perpetration bid`ah or shirk. Who is looking / asking a blessing to other than Allah, he lapsed into shirk akbar. And anyone looking for a blessing through the things that are justified by syari`at, but in the opposite way with syari`at, he plunged into bid`ah. Na`udzu billah Dzalik min.
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