The Human papers Khalifah
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The Human papers Khalifah
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The Human papers Khalifah
Surat Al Baqarah: 30
Meaning: "Remember when your Lord said to the angels:" I am going to make a vicegerent on earth. "They said:" Why do you want to make (caliph) on earth the people who will make mischief therein and shed blood, while we always exalt with the praise you and purify you? "God said:" Surely I know what you do not know. "." (Surah Al Baqarah: 30)
a. The content of paragraph
God created human beings on earth so that humans could become caliph in the earth.What is meant by the caliph is that man was created to be a ruler who organize anything that is in the earth, such as its growth, animals, forests, water, river, mountain, sea, fisheries and should humans should be able to take advantage of all that is on earth to kemaslahatannya. If humans have been able to run it all then sunatullah who made man as vicegerent on earth really well run by human beings, especially human beings who believe in Allah and the Messenger of Allah SWT.
Conclusion The content of Surat al-Baqara: 30, including:
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God told the angels that God will create a caliph (representative of God) on earth
God chose the man became caliph in the earth
angels doubted the ability of human beings in the task as a human being. In the view of angels, humans love to make damage and shed the blood of
Angel thought that deserves to be inheritors of the earth is himself. The angels were always glorify, sanctify God tauhid and
Allah knows what is not known by the angel
2. Surat Al Mukminun: 12-14
God chose the man became caliph in the earth
angels doubted the ability of human beings in the task as a human being. In the view of angels, humans love to make damage and shed the blood of
Angel thought that deserves to be inheritors of the earth is himself. The angels were always glorify, sanctify God tauhid and
Allah knows what is not known by the angel
2. Surat Al Mukminun: 12-14
Read the verses 12-14 of Surah Al Mukminun following fluently and correctly! Text see "google Qur'an onlines"
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Meaning: "12. And indeed, We created man from an extract (derived) from the ground. 13. Then We placed the semen (stored) in a solid (womb). 14. Then the semen We gave blood clot, then a blood clot We made a lump of meat, and then we made a lump of flesh bones, then We wrap the bones with flesh. Then We made him a creature (shaped) else. So that lessons Supreme God, the Creator of the Most Good. "(Surah Al Mukminun: 12-14)
a. The content of paragraph
In a letter Al Mukminun verses 12-14 Allah explains about the creation of man. Before the experts in the field of modern medicine to know the origin of the incidence of the creation of man in the womb, God Almighty has been first explains about the incident in the Qur'an as in the Al Mukminun verses 12-14, and reinforced by other verses including Surah Al Hashr verse 24, which reads: Text see "google Qur'an onlines"
Meaning: He is Allah the Creator, the Giver of that form Rupa, who has asmaaul Husna.exalt him, things in heaven and earth. and He is the Mighty, the Wise. (Surat al-Hashr: 24)
In verse 12 of Surah Al Mukminun -14 Allah explains that the process of creation of man in the womb is divided into three phases, namely:
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- Phase semen
- Phase clot
- Phase lump of meat
Yang each phase takes about 40 days, it is described in a hadith narrated by Bukhari in:
This means:
From Abdullah bin Mas'ud ra., He said: Rasululla saw told us, was he correct and justified: "Sesungguhnva creation perseoranganmu collects in the abdomen ibunva forty days and forty nights or forty nights, then became a clot, such as it (40 days = pen) and then into a lump of meat, such as that (40 days = pen), then God sent the angel, and then proclaimed to the four words, then an angel looking rizkinya, death (the limit of his life), charitable and wretched and happy then angel blowing the soul of him. Surely one of you undoubtedly acting in a charity expert (occupant) heaven, so the distance between heaven with him only a cubit, but the record before it, so he practiced with the dwellers of the Fire, so he went through hell. And indeed one among you, do good deeds expert with hell, so the distance between hell with him only a cubit, but notes mendahuinya, he practiced with the charity inhabitants of heaven, then he go to heaven. (Takhrijed Hadith by Bukhari).
While in the Al-Hashr Allah explains that the fetus before a perfect human being also has three phases, namely:
Taswir, which is illustrated by the form of lines, time after 42 days
Al Khalq, which made his body parts
Al Baru ', namely improvements to the fetus forms
Conclusion contains verses 12-14 of Surah Al Mukminun include:
Al Khalq, which made his body parts
Al Baru ', namely improvements to the fetus forms
Conclusion contains verses 12-14 of Surah Al Mukminun include:
Explaining the process of human events
would God allow humans to live in the world to the
age of humans is determined by Allah SWT
Man ordered to reflect the occurrence that is not arrogant to God and fellow human beings
3. Surat adh Dzariyat paragraph 56
would God allow humans to live in the world to the
age of humans is determined by Allah SWT
Man ordered to reflect the occurrence that is not arrogant to God and fellow human beings
3. Surat adh Dzariyat paragraph 56
Read the letter Az Zariyat following fluently and correctly! Text see "google Qur'an onlines"
Meaning: "No I only created jinn and mankind except to worship me." (Surat adh Zariyat: 56)
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a. The content of paragraph
Surat adh dzariyat verse 56 implies that all God's creatures, including the jinn and humans were created by God so that they would devote themselves, obedient, submissive, and worship to Allah SWT. So in addition to human functioning as a vicegerent on earth (horizontal functions), humans will also have a function as a servant is worshiping his creator (vertical functions), in this case is to worship Allah for Allah is He Who created all the universe.
As stated in the letter Al Mukminun verses 12-14 that Allah created man from a kind of clay contained in a base fluid droplets, ie semen, therefore, is a necessity for people to worship the creator, who has made man as noble beings among other creatures.
4. Surat al-Hajj verse 5
Read the letter al-Hajj verse 5 below eloquently, tartil, and true! Text see "google Qur'an onlines"
It means: "O mankind, if you are in any doubt about the resurrection (of the dead), then (know) indeed We have made you from dust, then from a drop of sperm, then from a clot, then from a lump of meat perfect occurrence and imperfect , so we explain to you, and we set in the womb, what we want until a specified time, then we remove you as infants, then (with gradual) you came to maturity, and among you there are diwafatkan and ( Unisex) among you who stretched until senile age, so that he no longer know nothing that they had previously been known. And you see the ground is dry, then when We send down water on it, live it and suburlah earth and grow a wide variety of beautiful plants. "(Surat al-Hajj: 5)
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Man in the Islamic view consisting of two elements, namely physical and spiritual. People's physical nature of material originating from the elements of starch soil. While the human spirit is an immaterial substance, whose existence he later Baqa nature is the secret of Allah. The process of human events have been described in Al Qur'anul Karim and the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad.
About the process of human events, Allah has said in the Quran surah Al Mukminun verses 12-14 Text see "google Qur'an onlines"
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It means: "And indeed, We created man from a quintessence (derived) from the ground.Then we make the quintessence of the semen (stored) in a solid (womb). Kemudain airmani We gave blood clot, then a blood clot We made a lump of meat, and then we made a lump of flesh bones, then we wrap the bones with flesh. Then we made him a creature (shaped) else. So blessed be Allah, the Creator of the most good. "(Surah Al Mukminun: 12-14).
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About the process of human events can also be seen in the QS As Sajadah verses 7-9, which reads: Text see "google Qur'an onlines"
Meaning: 7. makes everything that He created the best possible commenced the creation of man from clay. 8. then He made his offspring from the quintessence of despised water.9. He then enhance and breathed into it the spirit (creation) His and He made for you hearing and sight and hearts; (But) you little grateful. (Surah As Sajadah: 7-9)
In the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad on human events, he said, which means: "Indeed, each one of you collected it happened in the belly of her mother 40 days as cum, kemudain as alaqah a similar number (40 days), then as mudgah like it, then sent an angel to him, then the angel breathed a soul into his body. "(Hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim ra)
When still a fetus until the age of four months, the human embryo does not have the spirit, because the new blown into the fetus after 4 months of age (4X30 days). Therefore, who turned the human body was not a spirit, but life itself has existed since humans in the form of the germ. Is immaterial spirit who has two powers, namely the thinking power called the brain-centered sense, and the sense of power which is called heart centered in the chest. Both the substance of the human spirit dai.
When it plays its function as a vicegerent of Allah on earth, there are two important role mandated and implemented human until doomsday. First, the prosperity of the earth (al 'Imarah). Second, keeping the earth from destruction efforts coming from any party (ar ri'ayah).
1. prosperity of the earth
Humans have a collective obligation imposed upon Allah SWT. Man must explore the riches of the earth for the benefit of the widest mankind. So sepatutnyalah exploration results that can be enjoyed in a fair and equitable, while maintaining the richness that is not extinct. So that future generations can continue to explore it.
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2. Care for the Earth
Melihara earth in the broad sense, including also maintain faith and morals human as HR (human resources). Maintaining the habit of ignorance, which is damaging and destroying nature for the sake of momentary interests. Because human resources sangatta damaged will be potentially damaging nature. Therefore, such a thing should be avoided.
God created the universe is not in vain. The creation of man have a clear objective, which is used as the caliph or ruler (regulator) of the earth. That is, human beings were created by God to prosper life on earth in accordance with the guidance. Instructions in question is the religion (Islam).
Why did God command the people of Prophet Muhammad to preserve Earth from destruction ?, because the real human being more defiant than actually doing righteous so that humans will tend to do damage, it has already happened in the prophets - prophets before Prophet Muhammad in which people are more pleased prophets do harm than do good, such as the children of Israel, as Allah mentioned in his word in Al Isra verse 4, which reads: Text see "google Qur'an onlines"
Meaning: and We set on the Israelites in the book: "Indeed, you will make mischief on the earth twice and you definitely will boast with great arrogance". (Surat al-Isra: 4)
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As a Muslim and obedient servant of God that we certainly would function as a vicegerent on earth by not destroying the nature created by Allah for Allah loveth not those who do mischief. As his word in Al Qasas verse 77, which reads: Text see "google Qur'an onlines"
Meaning: And look at what God has bestowed to you (happiness) in the Hereafter, and do not forget bahagianmu of (enjoyment) world and do good (to others) as Allah has done good to you, and do not mischief on the ( face) of the earth. Allah loves not those who do mischief. (Surah Al Qasas: 7)
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Man was created by God in order to worship him. The word worship as a translation of pronunciation 'Abida-ya'budu-'ibadatun. Worshipping means to realize and admit that man is a servant of God that should be subject to follow his will, either voluntarily or forced.
1. Worship muhdah (pure), ie worship predetermined time, of procedures, and the terms of its implementation by nas, both the Qur'an and the hadith that should not be changed, added or subtracted. For example prayer, fasting, charity, pilgrimage and so on.
2. Worship 'ammah (general), that devotion dilakuakn by man are realized in the form of activity and life activities undertaken in the context of seeking the pleasure of Allah SWT
So, every member of his goal in life is to seek the pleasure of Allah SWT, for souls who earn the pleasure of Allah is k = a happy soul, find rest, deprived of anxiety and inner misery. Hereafter Sedankan future, we will obtain the reward of paradise and put in a group of servants of Allah SWT special. As word of Allah which means: "O soul quiet. Return to your Lord with a heart that is satisfied again diridhainya. Then go in congregation my servants. And enter into my paradise. "(Surah Al-Fajr: 27-30)
During live in the human world shall worship, devote themselves to God. All activities in life should be directed to worship him. Islam has given instructions to the man about the way of worship to God. Nothing humans do from waking samapai will sleep should be adjusted to the teachings of Islam.
Jinn and human beings as creatures of Allah SWT possession of the main tasks on earth, which is to serve Allah SWT. Devotion desired by Allah SWT tauhid go round him, which testify that there is no god but Allah. Jin and humans must Oneness of God in all circumstances, whether in a state of joy and sorrow.
Hint God will only be given to men who obey and obey Allah and His Apostle, and strive dijalannya. Obedience to God is evidenced by running the command and away from any ban. Obey the apostle means being willing to run the sunna-his Sunnah. Readiness was then added to the seriousness of jihad, fight in Allah's way at the expense of property, energy, time, and even the soul.
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