Papers Sleep Ethics accordance Sunnah

Papers Sleep Ethics accordance Sunnah

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Papers Sleep Ethics accordance Sunnah

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Papers Sleep Ethics accordance Sunnah
Fitting to be a Muslim who has testified to justify not to be worshiped but yangberhak GOD HIS and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah is to always apply what is taught by the Prophet in everyday life. Do not we believe that the Messenger user is correct .. ?? What then is hard for us to follow him .. ?? Let us check into our personal masing².
As one of our efforts to follow the Sunnah, he is to emulate the Prophet slept through hadits² procedure authentically has come down to us. Hopefully we can put it into practice every day and hopefully we sleep can be a field of charity Ikhlash because GOD thus obtain the blessing and reward. Aminn ...

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Sleep Ethics accordance Sunnah (click for details)
(Taken from the book compiled by Shaykh Abdullah ibn Baz "Al-Qismu Al-Ilmi")
1. self introspection (muhasabah) just before bed.
Highly recommended for every Muslim once bermuhasabah (self introspection) just before bed, to evaluate the deeds he had done during the day. Then if he got good deeds it should commend to God's glory to Him, and otherwise it should soon be pleading his return and repent to Him.

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2. Early Sleep (sleep early).
According to a tradition that comes from `A'ishah Radhiallahu'anha" That the Prophet Shallallahu'alaihi wasallam sleep early in the night and wake up at the end of the night, then he prayed. "(Muttafaq` alaih)
3. Disunnatkan wudoo 'before going to bed, and lay tilted to the right.
Al-Bara 'bin `Azib Radhiallahu'anhu said: The Messenger Shallallahu'alaihi wasallam said:" When you go to sleep, then berwudlu'lah as wudlu' for prayers, then lie with tilted to the right ... "And why not turn either left later.

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4. Disunnatkan sperei also waved three times before lying down.
Based on the hadith of Abu Hurairah that the Prophet Shallallahu'alaihi Radhiallahu'anhu wasallam said: "If anyone of you would sleep in his bed, then let the fabric flap on his bed the first, because he did not know what was on it ..." In the history said: "three times".(Muttafaq `alaih)
5. Makruh sleep on his stomach.
Radhiallahu'anhu Abu Dhar said: "The Prophet Shallallahu'alaihi wasallam never passed by me, dikala that I was lying on her stomach. So the Prophet Shallallahu'alaihi wasallam woke me up with her foot and said, "O Junaidab (call Abu Dhar), actually lying like this (stomach) is the way berbaringnya inhabitants of hell". (Reported by Ibn Majah and judged authentic by Al-Albani

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6. Makruh sleeping on top of the open DAK,
In a hadith sourced from `Ali ibn Syaiban Shallallahu'alaihi wasallam mentioned that the Prophet had said:" He who slept the night on the roof of the house that no lid, then there goes assurances from him ". (HR. Al-Bukhari in al-Adab al-simplex, and judged authentic by Al-Albani)

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7. Close the doors, windows and put out the fire and the lights before going to bed.
From Jabir ra reported that Rasulullah indeed Shallallahu'alaihi wasallam has said: "Padamkanlah lights at night what if you're going to bed, close the door, close it tightly and seal jars of food and drink". (Muttafaq'alaih)

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8. Read verse Chair, the last two verses of Surah Al-Baqarah (Section 285 & 286), Surah Al-Ikhlas and Al-Mu`awwidzatain (Al-Falaq and An-Nas), because many authentic hadiths that encourage it mentioned
9. Reading do`a-do`a and dhikr statement Shallallahu'alaihi authentic from the Messenger of peace,
Such as: "Allaahumma qinii yauma tab'atsu 'ibaadaka. "O Allah, keep me from being punished on the day thou thy revive all thy servants". Read three times. (HR. Abu Dawud and at hasankan by Al-Albani)

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10. And read: Bismika Allahumma Wa Amuutu Ahya. "By calling Your name, O God, I'm dead and I'm alive." (HR. Al-Bukhari)
11. If at the time of sleep to feel shocked or nervous or scared, then disunnatkan (recommended) do`a berdo`a with the following: "a'oodhu bikalimaatillaahit taammati min ghadhabihi Wa syarri 'ibaadihi, wa wa min hamazaatisy syayaathiini yahdhuruuna. "It means," I seek refuge with the perfect Kalimatullah of his anger, evil His servants, from Shaytan disorders and their presence has told me ". (HR. Abu Dawud and dihasankan by Al-Albani)

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12. It should be when you wake up to read: "Alhamdu Lillahilladzii Ahyaanaa ba'da Amaatanaa wa maa ilaihinnusyuur" It means, "Praise be to Allah who has turned us after we turned off Him, and to Him we returned." (HR. Al -Bukhari)

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