Definition of accommodation, Forms Accommodations and goal

Definition of accommodation, Forms Accommodations and goal

Let's look more details about the definition of property, Forms Accommodations and goal

understanding Accommodations

Definition of accommodation, Forms Accommodations and objective
understanding Accommodation Forms Accommodation
miscellaneous forms of accommodation
miscellaneous forms of accommodation socio
examples of accommodation
examples of accommodation in people's lives
form of accommodation, along with examples
examples of accommodation compromises
examples of accommodation mediation
example of accommodation stalemate

Definition of accommodation is a way to resolve the problem without destroying the opposition so that the opposing party does not lose his personality. Accommodation is one part of the forms of social interaction associative.Associative social processes is the social process towards the establishment of social integration or unity and encourage the formation of institutions.
Definition of accommodation has 2 meanings, among others, as a state and as an ongoing process. For a sense of accommodation as the state refers to the balance on social interaction. While understanding the accommodation as a process refers to the variety of human efforts to resolve or settle disputes without destroying the opposition. According to the great dictionary of KBBI or Indonesian, the notion of accommodation is social adjustment that occurs in the interaction between individuals and groups in order to defuse disputes contradictions.
understanding Accommodations
Definition of accommodation, Forms Accommodations and goal

The purpose of the accommodations vary, depending on the circumstances at hand. The accommodation has a purpose and other forms of accommodation, among others:
destination Accommodation
destination Accommodation
Definition of accommodation, Forms Accommodations and goal

Here the purpose of accommodation:
1) accommodation can reduce the conflict or dispute between one person and another person or group of people because of disagreement.
2) Preventing the explosion of such conflict for a while.
3) Allows for collaboration between groups with each other where his life separated by culture.
4) to merge separate social group.
Not forever implementation accommodation can succeed completely. In order to create stability in various fields, the need for the seeds of discord in other areas that are still lagging behind, which previously has not been taken into account by the various businesses the previous accommodation. The seeds of such conflict is latent (such as prejudice to a person) who at times can lead to a new contradiction.
In the state as it is, is important in the process of accommodation to reinforce attitudes and ideals and practices of the past that have been proven to reduce the variety of seed contention. Accommodation for some particular party has been very profitable, otherwise accommodation can press the other parties for their interference of certain powers in society.

Forms Accommodations

Accommodation has the following forms:
Forms Accommodations
Definition of accommodation, Forms Accommodations and goal

  1. Coercion
    coercion is a form of accommodation where the process is carried out because there is no compulsion in which one party is in a weak position compared to their rivals.As for the implementation of coercion can be carried out direct contact or physically, or psychologically. For example: slavery is one example of coercion, in which social interaction is based on the mastery of the employer on the slave. In totalitarian countries, coercion carried out if one of the minority groups within the community are in power. This does not mean that the result of coercion form of accommodation is not necessarily a good result for the community.
  2. Compromise
    Compromise is a form of accommodation where the parties in dispute are reducing their demands in order to achieve the completion of such conflict. Basic attitude required to perform a compromise is that there is one party who are willing to understand and feel the state of the other parties and vice versa. For example: a treaty between several countries, forms of accommodation which is implemented by some political parties, it is because they are aware of the strengths of each equally strong in elections or elections and so was the next.
  3. Arbitration
    Arbitration is a method to reach a compromise if the parties in dispute can not face alone. Arbitration can be done by presenting a third party who had previously received approval from both parties.
  4. Mediation
    Mediation is a form of accommodation that is similar to arbitration. In mediation, invited neutral third party to resolve disputes that exist. Position of the existence of such third party is an advisory and does not have the authority to issue a decision on the settlement of such conflict.
  5. Conciliation
    Conciliation is an attempt to reconcile the desire of warring parties in order to obtain a solution. Form of accommodation conciliation is more lenient than the compromise and can open the opportunity for the parties concerned in holdingassimilation or adjustment.
  6. Tolerance
    Tolerance is a form of property without consent, but it takes mutual understanding.Sometimes tolerance can arise without planned and unconsciously, this is due to the nature of the individuals or groups to prevent themselves from contention.
  7. Stalemate
    stalemate or deadlock is which form of accommodation warring parties to stop at a certain point, it is because it has a balanced strength. This is due to both being at loggerheads no more possibility to go forward or backward.
  8. Adjudication
    Adjudication is the process of resolving the issue in a court.
  9. Segregation
    Segregation is that each party to the dispute to avoid each other and separate themselves in order to reduce tensions.
  10. Elimination
    Elimination is the resignation of one of the parties since relented.
    Subjugation or domination
    One form of accommodation where the parties have requested that the great strength that the other parties stick to it.
  11. A majority decision
    majority decision is a decision taken by a majority vote.
    Minority consent is a minority group where they feel defeated and still be able to do activities together.
  12. Konvenrsi
    Konvenrsi the settlement of disputes in which one party is willing to budge and can accept the conditions proposed by the other party.
  13. The ceasefire
    truce is permunasan suspension at a certain time, it is because waiting for a good solution.
That sense accommodation, destination accommodation, and other forms of accommodation. Sociologically, the notion of accommodation is an attempt to resolve a conflict have different objectives depending or according to the situation at hand. For example: to reduce conflicts between individuals or groups from one another because of differences in understanding, and so forth.

Definition of accommodation, Forms Accommodations and objective
understanding Accommodation Forms Accommodation
miscellaneous forms of accommodation
miscellaneous forms of accommodation socio
examples of accommodation
examples of accommodation in people's lives
form of accommodation, along with examples
examples of accommodation compromises
examples of accommodation mediation
example of accommodation stalemate
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